

Finde Frida!
Finde Frida!

Catherine Ingram

Finde Frida!

Tauche ein in die faszinierende Welt von Frida Kahlo und lerne diese extravagante Frau und einzigartige Künstlerin kennen. Suche und finde Frida auf den zwölf Doppelseiten mit den aufregendsten Stationen ihres Lebens: vom Blauen Haus, in dem sie geboren wurde, über ihre Aufenthalte in New York und Paris bis zur großen Retrospektive in Mexiko City. Finde im Gewimmel aber nicht nur Frida, sondern über 200 Persönlichkeiten aus ihrem Umfeld: Künstler:innen, Filmemacher:innen, Schriftsteller:innen und viele mehr.
  • Kunst
  • Junge Leser
  • Kinderbuch
  • Mexiko
Aktuelle Texte

Michael Heitz


  • China
  • Zensur
  • Pornografie
  • Über-Ich
  • Sexualität
  • Videokunst
  • Gegenwartskunst
  • Mutterschaft
  • Gender


Aktuelle Texte
Ein Roadtrip ohne Road

Mário Gomes

Ein Roadtrip ohne Road

  • Architekturtheorie
  • Intellektuelle
  • Raumtheorie
  • Gemeinschaft
  • Südamerika
  • Architektur
  • Poetik


Mama Say Make I Dey Go, She Dey My Back
Mama Say Make I Dey Go, She Dey My Back

Jelili Atiku, Damian Christinger

Venice, Lagos, and the Spaces in between

Wandering down the Riva S. Biasio I gaze at the superyachts, thronged at the quay, and the African street vendors selling cheap knock-off handbags: poor immigrants trying to make a living contrasted with the absurdly wealthy visiting one of the great gatherings of the globalized art world. This image has become a sort of a cliché, especially during the last edition of the Biennale di Venezia, curated by Okwui Enwezor, with its emphasis on art from the global South and...
  • Afrika
  • Feminismus
  • Körper
  • Performance
  • Kolonialismus
Aktuelle Texte

Eric Baudelaire

A for Anomie

A for Anomie

The idea that terrorism and other forms of political violence are directly related to strains caused by strongly held grievances has been one of the most common explanations to date and can be traced to a diverse set of theoretical concepts including relative deprivation, social disorganization, breakdown, tension, and anomie. Merton (1938) identifies anomie as a cultural condition of frustration, in which values regarding goals and how to achieve them conflict with limitations on the means of achievement.

Gary LaFree and Laura Dugan, “Research on Terrorism and Countering Terrorism”, Crime and Justice, Vol. 38, No. 1, 2009.


B for Block or Blocked

If terrorism in each of its expressions can be considered an indicator of the existence of a political block (of an impossibility of reacting if one wishes to react differently), this influences its real ability to modify the situation. Terrorism has been historically more successful when it was not...