
Francesco Guercio (Hg.), Reiner Schürmann, ...: Ways of Releasement

Reiner Schürmann, Francesco Guercio (Hg.), Ian Alexander Moore (Hg.)

Ways of Releasement
Writings on God, Eckhart, and Zen

Broschur, 424 Seiten

PDF, 400 Seiten

In 1962, Reiner Schürmann began studying at the Dominican school of theology Le Saulchoir, outside Paris. That experience radically shaped his life and work, enabling him to begin to develop many of the ideas for which he would later be known: letting be, life without why, ontological anarchy, and the tragic double bind. Ways of Releasement contains never before published material from Schürmann’s early period, including selections from an early, more Christocentric version of Wandering Joy and several shorter, impassioned writings in which Schürmann tests his faith against Eckhart’s teaching of the Godhead, Heidegger’s later philosophy, his growing interest in Soto Zen, and the possibilities and limits of language. The volume also contains a report Schürmann wrote about his encounter with Heidegger, a précis of his autobiographical novel Origins, and translations and new editions of later groundbreaking essays. Ways of Releasement concludes with an extensive afterword contextualizing Schürmann’s writings in relation to his thinking and life.

  • Fernöstliche Philosophie
  • Philosophie
  • Philosophiegeschichte
  • Mittelalter
  • Religion

Meine Sprache

Aktuell ausgewählte Inhalte
Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch

Francesco Guercio

is a Ph.D. candidate in Philosophy, Art and Critical Thought at the European Graduate School. His doctoral research has focused on late Reiner Schürmann’s published works and unpublished materials—which he is also translating into Italian. He is the editor of Reiner Schürmann’s The Philosophy of Nietzsche, Modern Philosophy of the Will (co-ed. with K. Aarons), and Le origini (Italian trans. by F. Scabbia).
Weitere Texte von Francesco Guercio bei DIAPHANES

Ian Alexander Moore

is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Loyola Marymount University. He is the author of Dialogue on the Threshold: Heidegger and Trakl and Eckhart, Heidegger, and the Imperative of Releasement, and editor of Reiner Schürmann’s Neo-Aristotelianism and the Medieval Renaissance. He is currently writing a book titled Life without Why: Reiner Schürmann and the Imperative of Releasement.
Weitere Texte von Ian Alexander Moore bei DIAPHANES
Reiner Schürmann

Reiner Schürmann

wurde 1941 in Amsterdam geboren und ver­brachte seine Kindheit und Jugend in Krefeld. Ab 1960 studierte er Philosophie in München, unterbrochen durch einen Aufenthalt in einem israelischen Kibbuz. 1961 trat er als Novize bei den Dominikanern in Frankreich ein und studierte von 1962–69 Theologie im Saulchoir, Essonne, bei Paris, unterbrochen durch einen Studienaufenthalt in Freiburg i. Br. bei Heidegger. 1970 wurde er zum Dominikanerpriester ordiniert, verließ den Orden 1975 jedoch wieder. Seit den frühen siebziger Jahren lebte Schürmann in den USA und wurde 1975 von Hannah Arendt und Hans Jonas an die New School for Social Research in New York berufen. 1993 starb Reiner Schürmann an Aids. Sein umfangreiches philosophisches Werk verfasste Schürmann in französischer Sprache.

Weitere Texte von Reiner Schürmann bei DIAPHANES