
Francesco Guercio (Hg.), Reiner Schürmann: The Philosophy of Nietzsche

Reiner Schürmann, Francesco Guercio (Hg.)

The Philosophy of Nietzsche

Broschur, 176 Seiten

PDF, 176 Seiten

Nietzsche praised Kant for having “annihilated Socratism,” for exhibiting all ideals as essentially unattainable, and for having exposed himself to the despair of truth—all essential traits Nietzsche claimed for his own thinking. At the same time, the existentialist philosopher remained highly critical of Kant.

This volume of Reiner Schürmann’s lectures unpacks Nietzsche’s ambivalence towards Kant, in particular positioning Nietzsche’s claim to have brought an end to German idealism against the backdrop of the Kantian transcendental-critical tradition. Rather than simply compare the two philosophers, Schürmann’s lectures help us to understand the consequences Nietzsche derived from Kantian concepts, as well as the wider horizon within which Nietzsche’s ideas arose and can best be shown to apply. According to Schürmann’s trenchant reading: if Nietzsche was indeed “fatal” to Western philosophy, as he claimed, he was so in large part because of the Kantian transcendental thinking from which he inherited the very elements and tools of his criticism.

  • 7


  • 9–10

    Plan of Lectures

  • 11–12


  • 13

    Edition Guidelines

  • 15–24

    Lecture I: Transcendental Philosophy as the horizon of Nietzsche’s “Transvaluation of all values”

  • 25–33

    Lecture II: From the a priori forms of knowledge to “the Will to Power as Knowledge”

  • 35–44

    Lecture III: From truth as “the critical question” to tragic truth

  • 45–55

    Lecture IV: From the transcendental illusion to the negation of reflection

  • 57–65

    Lecture V: Nihilism and the relation of thinking to knowing

  • 67–75

    Lecture VI: The phenomenology of the Will to Power

  • 77–85

    Lecture VII: Play and chance in the “Formations of domination”

  • 87–95

    Lecture VIII: The destruction of teleology and the critique of morality

  • 97–104

    Lecture IX: The Eternal Recurrence as Transvaluation of Time

  • 105–112

    Lecture X: “I delivered all things from their bondage under Purpose”

  • 113–121

    Lecture XI: Nietzsche’s project of radical enlightenment

  • 123–132

    Lecture XII: “What is to be done?” Thinking as liberation

  • 133–136

    Lecture XIII: Heraclitean “justice”

  • 137–154


  • 155–156

    Iconographic Appendix

  • 157–163


  • 165–173

    Tentative Chronology of Reiner Schürmann’s Courses at the New School for Social Research

  • 174–175

    Lecture Notes of Reiner Schürmann at the NSSR— Pierre Adler’s Inventory (1994)

  • 176

    Editorial Statement

  • Philosophiegeschichte
  • Kant
  • Nietzsche

Meine Sprache

Aktuell ausgewählte Inhalte
Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch

Francesco Guercio

is a Ph.D. candidate in Philosophy, Art and Critical Thought at the European Graduate School. His doctoral research has focused on late Reiner Schürmann’s published works and unpublished materials—which he is also translating into Italian. He is the editor of Reiner Schürmann’s The Philosophy of Nietzsche, Modern Philosophy of the Will (co-ed. with K. Aarons), and Le origini (Italian trans. by F. Scabbia).
Weitere Texte von Francesco Guercio bei DIAPHANES
Reiner Schürmann

Reiner Schürmann

wurde 1941 in Amsterdam geboren und ver­brachte seine Kindheit und Jugend in Krefeld. Ab 1960 studierte er Philosophie in München, unterbrochen durch einen Aufenthalt in einem israelischen Kibbuz. 1961 trat er als Novize bei den Dominikanern in Frankreich ein und studierte von 1962–69 Theologie im Saulchoir, Essonne, bei Paris, unterbrochen durch einen Studienaufenthalt in Freiburg i. Br. bei Heidegger. 1970 wurde er zum Dominikanerpriester ordiniert, verließ den Orden 1975 jedoch wieder. Seit den frühen siebziger Jahren lebte Schürmann in den USA und wurde 1975 von Hannah Arendt und Hans Jonas an die New School for Social Research in New York berufen. 1993 starb Reiner Schürmann an Aids. Sein umfangreiches philosophisches Werk verfasste Schürmann in französischer Sprache.

Weitere Texte von Reiner Schürmann bei DIAPHANES