
Georges Didi-Huberman, Laurent Mannoni, ...: Movements of Air

Georges Didi-Huberman, Laurent Mannoni, Florian Dombois (Hg.), Christoph Oeschger (Hg.)

Movements of Air
The Photographs from Étienne-Jules Marey’s Wind Tunnels

Übersetzt von Aubrey Birch und Lucy Wright

Broschur, 312 Seiten

PDF, 312 Seiten

The Dance of All Things

The book "Movements of Air" reprints the breathtaking pictures of Étienne-Jules Marey, that he took between 1899 and 1901 during his scientific experiments with moving air and smoke, and complements them with two essays of Georges Didi-Huberman and Laurent Mannoni.


Laurent Mannoni accurately reflects Marey's experimental approach. As the founder of the "graphic method," Marey is also the developer of an aerodynamic wind tunnel. His experiments' photographs in fluid motion introduce us to a whole world of movements, turbulences and fluids. The resulting images influenced generations of scientists and artists alike.


Georges Didi-Huberman expands on the philosophical debates surrounding these aesthetically and technically instructive images. He makes Bergson the main interlocutor and even the secret commentator of the scientist's experiments. Even though the scientist's main interest was graphic information, Huberman shows us how the flow of all things draws the ingenious experimenter to a photographic practice that creates drags, streaks, expansions, and visual dances.


Marey's wind tunnel photographs were therefore themselves causes of turbulence in the history of images. The two artists Florian Dombois and Christoph Oeschger explore the "graphical" vortices of the last 120 years and provide at the end of the book a collage from historical and contemporary material interlaced with their own image making in Dombois's wind tunnel at the Zurich University of the Arts.


The book was published originally in French on the occasion of the exhibition "Mouvements de l'air" at the Musee d'Orsay. The texts are now available for the first time as an English translation.


  • Fotografie
  • Positivismus
  • Künstlerische Forschung
  • Mediengeschichte
  • Geschichte der Fotografie
  • Wissenschaftsgeschichte

Meine Sprache

Aktuell ausgewählte Inhalte
Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch

Georges Didi-Huberman

Georges Didi-Huberman

ist Kunsthistoriker und Philosoph und lehrt an der École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris. Zudem ist er Kurator zahlreicher Ausstellungen.

Weitere Texte von Georges Didi-Huberman bei DIAPHANES
Florian Dombois

Florian Dombois

ist bildender Künstler und beschäftigt sich mit Modellen, Landformen, Labilitäten, Seismik, wissenschaftlichen und technischen Fiktionen in unterschiedlichen Darstellungs- und Publikationsformaten. Ausstellungen im In- und Ausland. Seit 2011 ist er Professor an der ZHdK Zürich.

Weitere Texte von Florian Dombois bei DIAPHANES
  • Palaver

    In: Florian Dombois (Hg.), Mira Fliescher (Hg.), Dieter Mersch (Hg.), Julia Rintz (Hg.), Ästhetisches Denken

  • Surf

    In: Florian Dombois (Hg.), Mira Fliescher (Hg.), Dieter Mersch (Hg.), Julia Rintz (Hg.), Ästhetisches Denken

  • Vorwort

    In: Florian Dombois (Hg.), Mira Fliescher (Hg.), Dieter Mersch (Hg.), Julia Rintz (Hg.), Ästhetisches Denken

  • Art with Some T?. A 35-Minute Essay

    In: Hartmut von Sass (Hg.), Between / Beyond / Hybrid

  • Epilogue

    In: Georges Didi-Huberman, Florian Dombois (Hg.), Laurent Mannoni, Christoph Oeschger (Hg.), Movements of Air

Laurent Mannoni

is head of heritage at the Cinémathèque française and the Centre national de la cinématographie. As an author and curator, he focuses on the history of film technology from its earliest origins to the present day. His published works include the monograph on Étienne-Jules Marey (Cinémathèque française / Mazzotta, 1999), and the exhibition Le Mouvement en lumière: Étienne- Jules Marey (Paris, 2000).
Weitere Texte von Laurent Mannoni bei DIAPHANES
  • Marey, Aeronaut

    In: Georges Didi-Huberman, Florian Dombois (Hg.), Laurent Mannoni, Christoph Oeschger (Hg.), Movements of Air

Christoph Oeschger

(*1984) lives in Zurich as an artist, filmmaker, photographer and publisher. In 2014 he founded the book publisher cpress, and in 2021, cpress films, an agency for artist films, together with Christof Nüssli. He works with various forms of the documental. His work has been shown in various museums including Fotomuseum Winterthur (CH), ZKM Karlsruhe (DE), Centre de la Photographie Genève (CH).
Weitere Texte von Christoph Oeschger bei DIAPHANES
  • Epilogue

    In: Georges Didi-Huberman, Florian Dombois (Hg.), Laurent Mannoni, Christoph Oeschger (Hg.), Movements of Air
