
Saša  Asentić, Ana Vujanović: “My Private Bio-Politics”
“My Private Bio-Politics”
(S. 227 – 243)


Saša Asentić, Ana Vujanović

“My Private Bio-Politics”
A Performance on the Paper Floor (Third phase)

PDF, 17 Seiten

With his dance performance "My private bio-politics", Asentić gained international recognition. The performance explores the relation between hegemonic structures of the Western European art market and the situation of Eastern European artists.
It should be considered as a textual version of the performance, suitable to the printed format of a theoretical volume. Thus, this is neither a text about the performance nor its description but a performance itself, a performance on paper.


Our contribution to the book Dance, Politics, and Co-Immunity should be considered as a textual version of the performance, suitable to the printed format of a theoretical volume. Thus, this is neither a text about the performance nor its description but a performance itself, a performance on paper.

You open the page.

There are credits:

MY PRIVATE BIO-POLITICS, lecture-performance

Author and performer: Saša Asentić

Assistant: Olivera Kovacević-Crnjanski

Theoretical support and dramaturgy: Ana Vujanović

Duration: 50 min

The performance is part of the research-artistic project Indigo Dance.

Producer: Per.Art, Novi Sad

The performance was made in co-production with the Centre national de la danse – Paris, research in residency (Theorem Dance residencies), and it was prepared within the trainings of practical dramaturgy THe FaMa in Belgrade and Dubrovnik. It was supported by DanceWEB (with the support of the Cultural Programme 2000 of the European Union within the frame of danceWEB Europe).

Then you open the next double-page.

You enter the hall. Working lights. A male performer in trousers and T-shirt is already on the stage. The stage is about 11 x 8 m. On the left page you can see a square of mostly paper material on the floor. Among them you can recognize some books, a video camera, a lot of documents, one chair, an unrecognizable black boxlike object, and along the diagonal of the square several ceramic pots. On the right there is another square; it is a “ring”, marked by very thin white thread, some 10 cm from the ground. In the right back corner of the “ring”, there is a goblin on gantry; it depicts the figure of a female dancer. The performer is preoccupied with the needlework.

You are looking at him … more than browsing the pages set design. At one moment you finally calm.

Now I will perform My Private Bio-politics for the 34th time!

It is part of “Indigo Dance” project.

The premiere of this performance was on the 11th February, three years ago. It was in the Serbian National Theatre in Novi Sad on the stage called Hinterbühne.

In its first year, the work was presented at various festivals and art centres in Eastern and Western Europe.

While re-thinking this period, I have realized that the performance started to exhaust its initial concept through the regular circulation within the contemporary dance system.

On 11th February...

  • Tanz
  • Osteuropa
  • Performance-Kunst
  • Körper
  • Performativität
  • Performance
  • Politik
  • Gegenwartskunst

Meine Sprache

Aktuell ausgewählte Inhalte
Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch

Saša Asentić

studiete Landwirtschaft und Pedagogik an der Universität Novi Sad, Serbien und widmet sich seit 1998 den Bereichen Performance und Choreographie. Seit 2000 sind seine Produktionen an internationalen Festivals, Bühnen und Kunstszenen etabliert. Er ist Mitbegründer und Leiter von Per.Art sowie Autor und Leiter des Projekts Arts and Inclusion for mentally disabled People. 2012/13 ist er Mitarbeiter an der Akademie Schloß Solitude in Stuttgart.

Ana Vujanović

arbeitet im Bereich zeitgenössischer Performancekunst- und kultur als forschende Theoretikerin, Autorin, Lektorin, Kuratorin und Dramaturgin. Ihr Interessenschwerpunkt ist die Schnittstelle zwischen Performance und der Politik neoliberaler, kapitalistischer Gesellschaften (Vita performativa).  Außerdem forscht sie derzeit im Rahmen zweier Projekte: Performance und Öffentlichkeit (Les laboratoires d’Aubervilliers, Paris) und Diskursive Szenen (Matadero / El Ranchito, Madrid).

Weitere Texte von Ana Vujanović bei DIAPHANES
Stefan Hölscher (Hg.), Gerald Siegmund (Hg.): Dance, Politics & Co-Immunity

Stefan Hölscher (Hg.), Gerald Siegmund (Hg.)

Dance, Politics & Co-Immunity

Broschur, 288 Seiten


PDF, 288 Seiten

This volume is dedicated to the question of how dance, both in its historical and in its contemporary manifestations, is intricately linked to conceptualisations of the political. Whereas in this context the term "policy" means the reproduction of hegemonic power relations within already existing institutional structures, politics refers to those practices which question the space of policy as such by inscribing that into its surface which has had no place before. The art of choreography consists in distributing bodies and their relations in space. It is a distribution of parts that within the field of the visible and the sayable allocates positions to specific bodies. Yet in the confrontation between bodies and their relations, a deframing and dislocating of positions may take place. The essays included in this book are aimed at the multiple connections between politics, community, dance, and globalisation from the perspective of e.g. Dance and Theatre Studies, History, Philosophy, and Sociology.
