
Alena Lepishava (Hg.), Zmicier Vishniou (Hg.), ...: НЕТУТЭЙШЫЯ: REVERSION

Alena Lepishava (Hg.), Zmicier Vishniou (Hg.), Viktar Zhybul (Hg.)

Беларуская эксперыментальная драматургія («ТВЛ», «БУМ-БАМ-ЛІТ»)

Broschur, 580 Seiten

PDF, 580 Seiten

33 Bücher für ein anderes Belarus

Анталогія беларускай эксперыментальнай драматургіі канца ХХ –пачатку ХХI стагоддзя –унікальнае шматзадачнае выданне, якое дае яскравае ўяўленне аб развіцці асаблівага вектара беларускай драматургіі і тэатра, звязаных са смелымі эстэтычнымі пошукамі, неканвенцыйнымі стратэгіямі пісьма і сцэнічных пастановак, стварэннем адмысловых мадэляў мастацкага ўніверсуму. Асновай для кнігі сталі матэрыялы зборніка п'ес "Нетутэйшыя", які рыхтаваўся ў канцы 1990-х - пачатку 2000-х гадоў сябрамі творчага руху "Бум-Бам-Літ", але так і не пабачыў свет. Сучаснае выданне дапоўнена некаторымі іншымі п'есамі прадстаўнікоў адзначанага літаратурнага пакалення, а таксама дэталëвым літаратуразнаўчым даследаваннем беларускага тэатральна-драматургічнага працэсу ў кантэксце сусветнага, творчымі маніфестамі, хронікай культурнага жыцця, каментарамі яго актыўных ўдзельнікаў, фотаздымкамі літаратурна-мастацкіх і тэатральных акцый і іншымі дакументамі. Праект прапануецца шырокай аўдыторыі: ад спецыялістаў у галіне сучаснага мастацтва да аматараў, зацікаўленых яго арыгінальнымі версіямі.
Кніга выйшла ў межах акцыі «33 кнігі для іншай Беларусі».


This unique anthology of the Belarusian experimental drama of the late 20th and early 21st centuries is a multifaceted publication. It gives a vivid idea of the development of a particular field of Belarusian drama and theatre associated with bold aesthetic searching, unconventional writing strategies and stage productions, and creating peculiar models of artistic universes. The book is based on Nietuteishyia ('Non-Natives'), a collection of plays prepared for publication in the late 1990s–early 2000s by representatives of the Boom-Bam-Lit literary and artistic movement. That edition never saw the light of day. The modern one includes supplements: a thorough literary study of Belarusian theatrical and dramatic process in the global context, art manifestos, a chronicle of cultural life, its active participants' comments, photographs of literary, artistic, and theatrical actions, and other documents. The anthology is addressed to different readers, from specialists in the field of contemporary art to amateurs interested in its original versions.
The book is part of the campaign "33 Books for Another Belarus".

  • Belarus
  • Theater
  • Performance
  • Literatur

Meine Sprache

Aktuell ausgewählte Inhalte
Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch

Alena Lepishava

Alena Lepishava

(*1983 in Minsk) is a scholar in literary studies, literary and theater critic, and writer. She graduated from the Belarusian State University and got a “candidate of philology” degree (PhD equivalent). Alena has contributed to collective monographs and has written articles on contemporary Belarusian literature, theatre, and experimental art for such magazines as Dzeyaslou (‘Verb’), Tsirk Olymp + TV (‘Circus Olympus + TV’), Druzhba narodov (‘Friendship of Peoples’), Teatral (‘Theatregoer’), Mirgorod, etc. She currently lives in Minsk.
Zmicier Vishniou

Zmicier Vishniou

is a Belarusian prose writer, poet, artist, and literary critic. He was a co-founder of the literary movement Bum-Bam-Lit, which was one of the most significant phenomena in the Belarusian literature of the 1990s. He is the author of nine books in Belarusian, including the anti-novel "If You Look Closer – Mars is Blue" (2018). In 2007–2022, Zmicier Vishniou was the head of "Halijafy" – one of the leading independent publishing houses in Belarus. Since July 2022, he has been a fellow in the Writers-in-Exile programme of the German PEN.
Viktar Zhybul

Viktar Zhybul

was born in 1978 in Minsk. He graduated the philological faculty of Belarusian State University (2000), postgraduate department of this university (2003). He is the author of a number of poetry books: "The Saboteur in the House" (1996), "The Horns of Mountains" (1997), "The Disgusting Cry" ( 2001), "Diaphragm" (2003), "Kill Socrates in yourself!" (2008; with Vera Burlak), "Stapelia" (2012), "The Woodpecker and the Hollow" (2016), several plays. He is an active participant of Boom-Bam-Lit avant-garde movement (from 1996), different literary, theater and musical projects, art actions, performances.