
Martin Doll

earned his PhD in Media Studies in Frankfurt am Main with a thesis on forgeries and hoaxes (published as Fälschung und Fake. Zur diskurskritischen Dimension des Täuschens) after studying Drama, Theater, Media in Gießen. Following two years as a postdoctoral fellow at the ICI Berlin, he was an Assistant Professor in the research project “Aesthetical Figurations of the Political” in Luxemburg. Currently, he is Junior Professor for Media and Cultural Studies at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. He has published articles and book chapters on architecture as a medium, utopias and media, politics and media. Martin Doll is currently working on a book project on the technologization of politics/the politicization of technology in the nineteenth century. During his stays at Yale University, which were funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), he established together with Paul North the “Yale-Düsseldorf Working Group on Philosophy and Media.”
Weitere Texte von Martin Doll bei DIAPHANES
  • Kapitalismus
  • Ökologie
  • Kunst
  • Digitale Kultur
  • Digitale Medien
  • Kulturkritik
  • Ökonomie