
Deniz Utlu

Deniz Utlu is a novelist and essayist living in Berlin, where he also curates the literary series Prosa der Verhältnisse (present conditional prose—a reading series) for the Maxim Gorki Theater and conducts research on human rights. His first novel, Die Ungehaltenen, was published by Graf Verlag in 2014 and his second novel, Gegen Morgen, in 2019 by Suhrkamp Verlag. Most recently, he received the Alfred Döblin Prize 2021 for the manuscript of his forthcoming third novel Ursprung.
Weitere Texte von Deniz Utlu bei DIAPHANES
  • Künstlerische Praxis
  • Protestbewegungen
  • Gegenwartskunst
  • Widerstand