
Donna Conlon

Espace DIAPHANES Zürich



Curated by Damian Christinger


2019, HD Video with sound.


Sound design: Ingmar Herrera; Sound recording: Ingmar Herrera | Carlos Urriola; Director of photography: Alex Alba; Camera: Óscar Jiménez; Ornithology: Jorge Medina, Pedro Castillo, Jay Falk, Brent Burt; Color correction: Tania Alvarado



From the Ashes by Donna Conlon encapsulates a small moment in time, where a miracle might be happening: The rebirth of a phoenix. The dramatization of a hummingbird taking flight, refers back to the core of the relationship between viewer and artwork. Experiencing a small moment in time as a miracle might evoke a feeling of the sublime. In the simplest case, the sublime can be defined as the experience of what "overwhelms the self with the idea of an overwhelming power", of something bigger than us. In our confrontation with that which totally exalts us, our mental faculties are overtaxed, we do not understand what happens, we fail to speak when we are overawed. In this state of confusion, the sublime is constituted as "a contradiction experienced between the demands of reason and the power of imagination" to paraphrase Deleuze. The goal of the sublime experience as an aesthetic category is then to transcend the limits of understanding, for it forces us to reckon with what lies outside of ourselves and to flood our mind and senses. The act of incorporating this into a short clip can become an artistic act of incantation.




Espace DIAPHANES Zürich
Löwenbräukunst, Ebene A
Limmatstrasse 270



Montag – Freitag 8 – 20h
Samstag / Sonntag 10 – 18h